from $200.00

Monthly group training program for cyclists preparing for endurance rides. Small group format for personalized coaching.

Options to sign up for 1, 2, or 3-months. Also available is ongoing group training.

Monthly Package:
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Training program designed to help you build endurance to get you ready for your race season. 

Through a detailed training plan through Training Peaks, you get daily workouts that include off the bike training.

You also receive monthly

  • Big Ass Ride to prepare your body for longer efforts. Rides get progressively longer, steeper, and faster.

  • Group zoom calls for coach-led training discussion - Calls are the first Wednesday of the month at 4pm PT

  • Specific training blocks.

  • Topics include: pacing, nutrition and gear.

What clients say:

Over the three months, Chi trained me up on heart rate zones, FTP, matches, nutrition, race day planning and more. At some point you have to commit and take a leap of faith. That point really came for us early around my second long ride. Chi was pushing my Zone 2/3 fitness and I had no idea how to go easy once I got outside on the trails. I felt like I needed to let it rip! “Slower is faster, trust me”, she texted as I was getting ready to start my training ride. Easier said than done, I only knew how to push and didn’t have time to get it wrong. But I did it. I committed and trusted her. For three months I did almost everything she asked me to do.

Even at the start line, I didn’t think I would ever hit the stretch goal I gave Chi at the intro meeting.  But crossing the finish line I actually did a little better than the goal! I’m still in awe at how that all came together. Over an hour of improvement? It’s an incredible result and there is no way I could have done that without Chi’s coaching and help. 

So yes, hire Coach Chi! Open your mind, trust her and commit!

I haven't had a coach since college hockey days! It was fun and forced me to stick to a schedule. It was also positive to have others in the training program - a bit of competition but more importantly a source of camaraderie

Big Ass Ride (BAR) Series

Big Ass Ride (BAR) Series
